Me oh my, supplies are running low for this late in the month, aren't they? Just a few more days until the new kit release and it is SO PRETTY. Until then though, let me show you how to stretch what you have leftovers.
Your 3 prompts for this week are:
1. Breath new life in to your old, tried and true stamps by stamping in coloured ink. I'm a shocker for this. I keep a black ink pad on my desk and I rarely hunt for another... even though I may now be in triple digit inks.
2. Use something unexpected - maybe from another hobby? I used fabric. It was in this months kit but can you imagine how cool variegated embroidery thread or mosaic tiles would look? Packing ribbon is always fun too.
3. Give love to a neglected supply. *Cough* Washi tape *Cough*. Remember when Veneer was all the rage? I'm sure you have quite a stash somewhere. Or maybe it's pretty paper clips. Let them shine in the way they were intended to - on a layout.
Now, it's your turn! Use the three prompts to create your own projects and share them with us in the CTK Gallery and/or on our Facebook Fan Page by Saturday, August 5th, for a chance to win. You can also upload to Instagram and tag us @citrustwistkits. We so love seeing all your creations.
Aimee Xx.