How to choose a colour scheme for your pocket pages

Choosing a colour scheme each week can be difficult but here are a couple of simple tips to help make your pages pretty and co-ordinated.

1. Let the kit embellishment colour shine
Normally, I would normally never use green on my spreads, but the alphas in the March kit were so bold and pretty that I decided to make it work. Instead of shying away, I embraced the green, adding pops of it all over the page with die cuts. I choose to use yellow and a coral-pink as well, which ties in well with the photo of my Valentines flowers.

2. Choose one bold accent colour and keep the rest neutral
The photos for this week were pretty plain, so I keep all the papers and embellishments neutral, using black and white and found papers and played up the pop of teal from the photo of my shoes.

3. Let the photos decide what colours to use
This week, my (very few - opps) photos had a pretty strong colour-scheme themselves, being either black and white or rosy and pink! So I keep all the cards, papers and embellishments in the same colours. The glitter alphas worked perfectly and stitching adds a bit of texture to keep it interesting.

Luckily, the Citrus Twist Pocket Life Kit is so versatile you can achieve ALL these different looks from the one kit, and that makes it a bit easier as well!